The Growing Co is an absolutely amazing company! With a great story and concepts for clothing never seen before, there really isn’t anything like this cool company.
Growing Co. is owned and operated by Jamie Sadler, a proud mother of two young children in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. When her children were born, it didn’t take long to realize the massive impact that even the tiniest of humans could make on their environment and the economy. Any parent can agree, it’s astonishing. If you happen to be looking for unique items for a great price, you’ve found the place! However, you’ll be even happier when you hear about what’s inside!

Why You Should Shop Growing Co
As a parent, you will probably want your little ones to both look and feel their very best. But have you ever thought about what is used to make their clothing? Jamie sure has! Growing Co. wants to do it’s part to help in diminishing the carbon footprint(s) of our tiny humans while supporting our local economy and businesses making socially responsible and Eco-friendly choices, the best we can. Ensuring a healthier and happier future for our children. The future belongs to them, after all.
Growing Co.’s objective is to connect conscious parents, grandparents and caregivers with ethically made, sustainable, organic and low waste children’s products. Come visit us at the Calgary Farmer’s market to check our highly curated selection of items.
Growing Co definitely does not lack in style! From t-shirts to onesies, there is so much to choose from. The stores’ website makes it extremely easy to sift through tons of clothing options and see just what you’re looking for. You can choose to shop through all of the clothing or, in contrast, you can shop by Sustainable + Organic Kids Clothes. When selecting the “Sustainable + Organic Kids Clothes” option, you’ll be surprised to see just how many categories there are to choose from. From Alberta Apparel to First Rodeo, and Lemon Butter Babies to Parade Organics, you really won’t be left disappointed.
Have you ever passed on purchasing an item because of its price? I’m sure we all have at least once! Growing Co has made it really easy to make purchases. For their certified organic cotton rompers, you can purchase one for around twenty dollars. The average t-shirt is around twenty to thirty dollars. Depending on which design you choose, the prices will change slightly. If you would like to save on the shipping we are happy to offer free in store pick up at the Calgary Farmer’s Market (Aisle 3, 510 77 Ave SE Calgary, Ab). We also offer local delivery (for a small fee) if you’re within 10kms of Calgary city centre. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us at 587-894-3661 or email
Growing Co
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